Tuesday, October 9, 2012

3 Steps to Becoming a Leader for Change

In this post I’ll provide 3 steps on how we can become “Leaders for Change”.  I will use the 3R concept of (Recognition, Reconciliation and Reconnection) as the framework for this discussion.

It's important to recognize that leading for change is just as important in our homes as it is in the corporate world, our place of work or worship. For the rest of this post I will use the term organization to refer to any group to which we belong.

Change constantly occurs all around us. Just take a look at the auto industry with the use of hybrid and electric cars. Also take a look at the proliferation of cell phones and tablet computers. Personally, I am amazed at how often I purchase major items off the Internet from the comfort of my own home. I would not have done these things 10 years ago.

Change is a nonnegotiable part of life and can either be embraced or rejected.

Step 1.       As leaders it's our job to recognize that if our environment does not change, it will stagnate. We must be aware of those changes that will benefit our organization. Then visualize how to seamlessly integrate this change into the fabric of our organization. Now this is where the rub comes in.
Change is never easy to implement. Dr. Peter Senge, author of “The 5th Discipline”, said: “People don't resist change. They resist being changed!”  The reason is that most of us are creatures of habit and in many cases will do whatever it takes to avoid changing these habits. Even though we know in our heart of hearts that a change is necessary.

Step 2.       As leaders we must figure out a way to reconcile those in our organization to the benefits of change. To accomplish this we must be great communicators as well as visionaries. We must communicate the need for this change to those in our group, in order to gain their cooperation.  
For example, how many have ever tried to get teenagers to wake up an hour earlier than normal without threatening them to within an inch of their life? It can be done, but it's not easy.
So far, we have visualized a change that will benefit our organization. We have reconciled the members of our group to the need for this change.

Step 3.       Now we must reconnect back into every day working operations.
Even though everyone has agreed to and signed off on the change, we are sure to encounter resistance at this point and find unexpected bumps in the road. This is to be expected. Change doesn't happen overnight. It is a process and as leaders for change we must be persistent and patient in its implementation.

In summary, in order to become leaders for change we must:
  1. Recognize the need for change and how it applies to our organization.
  2. Reconcile those in our organization to the benefits of the desired change.
  3. Reconnect this desired outcome into daily working operations.
Thank you & God Bless!

1 comment:

Alyssa said...

Thank you for the blessing!!