I am aware that a number of followers of this blog have commented that they wish I would've continued with my blog over the last year. However (in addition to trying to maintain a happy family life) I wrote a book and had it published, taught weekly classes on spiritual growth and began working with juveniles on probation. I found that I got so busy going from one task to the next that I unwittingly put God on the back burner. Even preparing and getting ready to go to church became a weekly task to get done. Does anyone, other than me, become so caught up in their daily affairs that they fail to recognize God's presence?
The Presence of God
In the Lord's prayer it says: "give us this day our daily bread". In this statement, Jesus is simply reminding us to look to God for our daily sustenance and support. We, on the other hand, have a habit of looking to ourselves and others to provide for our daily needs. For instance we look to our bank accounts to pay our bills. We may look to our boss to provide us with a promotion so we will be able to purchase that house we have had our eye on. We may also rely on our looks, intelligence or personal determination in order to accomplish a goal.
There is nothing wrong with any of the above statements, but we should recognize that it is God who gives us these abilities and places these people in our lives. If we take the time on a daily basis to count our blessings and thank God, then we would not have very much time left over for worry. More importantly, we will become aware of the minute to minute miracle worknig power of God in our daily lives.
The Problem With Worry
I know that it is hard for us not to worry about the future because we are so used to doing it. Maybe this worry is what is keeping us from being connected with God on a daily basis. Our minds are either always focused somewhere in the future or regretting something we have done in the past. Both of these activities keep us from being focused in the present, as well as upon the presence and power of God in our daily lives and activities.
A Plan and a Promise
This year I plan on providing at least one blog each week that will help us stay connected with the power and presence of God on a daily basis. I will suggest to you that the body is nothing but a slave to the mind and the mind will adhere to whatever spirit that feeds it. We will focus upon how to properly feed the mind and how to live our daily lives in a manner that keeps us connected to God and gives Him glory.
Your Feedback Requested
I am interested in your feedback. If there is any subject connected to body, mind and spirit which you would like to discuss or have discussed please let me know and I will attempt to incorporate them into future blogs.
Well done brother Al! Well done!
Thanks Jim.
Thank you for this message and more importantly for reviving your blog. Your words always come on time!
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