Sunday, June 22, 2008

Stand Up & Stand Still

The world and its disappointments, tragedies and interruptions will always be with us. Therefore we have a choice to make.

Either we can let this worldly stuff influence our relationship with God or we can let our relationship with God affect how this worldly stuff influences us. I choose to allow my relationship with God to influence how this worldly stuff affects me. In order to do this we should ask God to help us deal with this stuff in a way that brings Him glory. I have practiced this approach for the past 8 to 10 years and find that my life actually works better when God is involved daily.

It has not always been that way. I have failed many times in Finances, relationships, career, etc. It was not until I asked God to work with me did things start to get better.

For instance, I was $250,000.00 in debt once and kept asking God to tell me what to do in order to eliminate this debt. He gave me very simple steps to take that I thought were ridiculous. However, after my way had failed a number of times I decided to try it His way. WOW, each simple step led to another simple step and in less than 3 years my debt was eliminated.

This brings me to another point. When we ask God to help us, we must be willing to participate in the solution He provides us. That is to say, "If we don't do anything, God won't do anything." Therefore we need to submit our will/ego to His will and do exactly what He says.

For example, God kept telling me to make a simple phone call, but did not tell me why I should make it. It took faith for me to make that call because it was to a vendor whom I owed over $60,000.00.

When I made the call and asked for the owner, the owner stated that he was not concerned about the amount of money I owed. His reasoning was that people who owed him money and were not going to pay him back would not call him. He reasoned that since I called him then I intended to repay him. As a result, we worked out a plan for me to keep purchasing product from him while paying him back at the same time.

The point of the above story is that God asks us to do little stuff and we fail to see the big picture of how that will fix our problem. As a result of that lesson, I learned to ask God to tell me only what I need to do "Today" and I do it. I let Him handle the details of how this step fits into the big picture.

The point of this story is that we should not try to out think God. If I had never made that call, I would never have resolved that issue.




Anonymous said...

Great Blog

Anonymous said...

Nice way of putting it!

Anonymous said...

I have recently learned to live in the moment and day by day instead of worrying about the future. Thanks so much for this truly speaks to my current situation.

Edward V. Harkness said...

Well said, cousin. Twenty years ago, I was an angry, vengeful, bitter person, one who could not look beyond and outside of himself. I actually entertained murderous thoughts toward dishonest former business associates. Religion - and belief -was just so much witchcraft, superstition and hokum. In summary, I was one miserable person. I simply could not see the connection between my evil thoughts and ways and the painful things that were happening to me. Then, quite by accident, I happened to play a round of golf with a stranger who turned out to be an Episcopal clergyman. We got to talking about my spiritual life, and I was amazed to discover that he knew my mindset right down to the details. Long story short, we became friends, he led me back to God, and my whole life brightened. Now I talk to God every day for His guidance, wisdom and loving support. "Karmic justice", as it's called, is quite real, and it is not random. One of my favotite aphorisms comes from the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who said "When you reach out to extend a gratuitous helping hand to another, you will begin to see your own prayers answered."

Anonymous said...

Well said Al. When we make God the center of our life everything else is taken care of. Much love and success from Ernest & Pearline

Anonymous said...

Very nicely said...kind of makes me want to live by the seat of my pants.

Unknown said...

Bro. Brownlee

Not so much by the seat of our pants but with a complete reliance on God to help us make the "next step".

I have tried living on human intuition. It only takes me so far and is prone to error.

God on the other hand....

Denise said...

Thank you for this message. There are times I prayed about situations and still tried to handle things myself. When I let go and let God, things worked out. It won't always be in the timeframe I want, but it it always works out in God's time.

Anonymous said...

Al very well said. We are so encouraged and excited. Having faith and knowing who is the center of all things is what life is all about. Keep writing and encouraging people to do the right thing. Ernest and Pearline Richards

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Good morning!!!! Great inspiration!!!!