Monday, September 24, 2012

Discover a New, Little Known Secret to Success

I have spent the last few posts discussing the concept of success and shared how it is applicable to anyone (corporate leaders, single-parents or individuals experiencing traumatic change in their life). I defined success as: "Gaining or attaining the desires of our heart" and concluded that it's not necessarily related to finances, material possessions, who we know or where we go.

Now, I’d like to share with you a surefire framework that will guarantee success. This framework uses a concept I call: The 3R’s.  This concept came about during a period of self-reflection and personal growth where I looked back over my life and tried to determine the infinitesimal difference between success and failure. I used this concept to write and publish my book titled: “The 3R's of Spiritual Growth”.  The 3R's are: Recognition, Reconciliation and Reconnection. This framework can be utilized by anyone to successfully address and solve any of life’s problems areas.

The first step is to Recognize the impartial forces, factors and issues that are at work in our life and influence how we respond to it. We then recognize our negative core beliefs, which hinder us from attaining our goals.

Next, we learn how to set goals that are aligned with who and what we are. Much of our stress occurs when we set goals or desire objects that have been attained or belong to someone else which are not aligned with our purpose for living. This easily happens when we allow our desires to run rampant and influence our activities. These are the times when our lives really begin to get out of whack.

The cool part about the 3R framework is that it recognizes each and every one of us has a purpose for living that only we can achieve. This framework provides us with comfort and satisfaction as we proceed towards our goals by helping us stay in touch with our 3-part nature.

Next, we Reconcile where we are in life with what we want and desire. We do this by taking responsibility for the circumstances and situations in which we find ourselves.  We then develop a plan that moves us in the direction of our desired success. Along this path we will employ our understanding of “The Law of Cause and Effect” which simply says: “We choose how we experience life”.

Finally we take what we learned and Reconnect back into every nook, cranny, circumstance and situation in our life. We apply what we've recognized and reconciled into those areas of our life that aren’t working. When we accomplish this we will find that: our stress will be reduced, our health will improve and we will be able to experience life's unspeakable joys by remaining in the present moment and trusting in our new ability to successfully respond to whatever life throws our way.

This 3R framework can be easily taught to anyone desiring it. I hope that you have enjoyed this post and here's hoping that you live today and every day passionately and with purpose. Thank you and God bless.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Leaders Should Be Servants

I had the privilege today to be part of a small, select group of individuals that participated in a workshop presented by a world-class speaker/trainer/named Ed (The Rainmaker) Robinson. In this workshop, he outlined the steps necessary to create a successful speaking business.  His presentation confirmed my belief that in order to be truly successful we must first seek to help and be a benefit to others. No more than 5 min. into the workshop Mr. Robinson had us perform an exercise that identified obstacles to our business growth. He then spent the remainder of his presentation ensuring that each and every one of our obstacles was addressed.

In my opinion, this makes The Rainmaker a true servant leader. A servant leader is one who accomplishes their goals or purpose by helping the members of his team to reach their full potential and therefore perform at their best. It doesn't matter who is on the team or where the game is played because in some way shape or form we’re all leaders. Our team can be located on the job, in the home, in our social organizations, in our places of worship, or anywhere we are asked to solve a problem or give an opinion. Robert K. Greenleaf developed the concept of servant leadership in his book titled “Servant Leadership”.

A servant leader is not a “me first” leader. He doesn't accomplish his purpose first and then see how he can help the other members of this team. A true servant leader will first determine the needs of his team and use his intellectual nature to figure out a way to assist them prior to accomplishing his purpose. Now I'm not saying that we will solve others problems or even our own on the 1st try.  Many problems are difficult and may have us pulling our hair out. My advice is not to quit but to hang in there because it’s part of our maturing process.

You see, my friend, problems are the stepping-stones on the road to success. And if you have read or seen my earlier posts, I never said success was easy. However, if we are passionate about what we’re doing then each problem we encounter will lead to an opportunity. These opportunities will then lead to breakthroughs. These breakthroughs will be a blessing in our lives and the lives of others. We can stay connected to our passion and our purpose by constantly revisiting our spiritual nature (Mentor) and allowing it to provide direction to our intellectual nature (Coach) during turbulent times.

Servant Leaders are made and not born. We need more of them in our businesses, organizations and homes. We can build/rebuild strong organizations, institutions, societies and countries by putting the needs of others before our own.  Just take a look at what a man named Jesus accomplished using this model of leadership.

I hope that you enjoyed this post and until next time here’s hoping that you live today and every day passionately and with purpose. Thank you and God Bless!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Defining and Finding Success

 In this post I would like to discuss the concept of success and as you well know, success means different things to different people. defines it as: The attainment of wealth, position, honors, or the like. Why don't we take a look at this common definition? Many of us automatically connect success with the attainment of material possessions, position, honors, who we know or where we go.

Now, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with any of these things. However some believe that their attainment will make their lives successful, happier, more meaningful and productive. Let me ask you a question. How many of us have heard of people who have more money, houses, cars, titles, etc. than one can ever dream of, and still aren’t happy because they’re not living the lives they had envisioned for themselves? If you wish to know who they are just look in the tabloids, surf the Internet or simply watch the evening news.

Here's a thought for you. Wealth, position and material possessions are simply means to an end. They were created in order to help us attain our purpose for living. They should not be the goal itself. My point is that when we obtain things in a way that’s not connected with our purpose then these things seem hollow and do not bring us the good feeling that we’re looking for? For example Steven Jobs, the founder of Apple Computer, acquired vast sums of cash and material possessions in order to fulfill his vision of bringing people closer together through the use of technology. Money and material possessions weren’t his goal; they were his tools.

Since we’ve seen that success isn’t necessarily connected to material possessions, then what is it? I define success as gaining and attaining the desires of your heart. Each one of us has a function or purpose in life that only we can fulfill. It's our spiritual nature (mentor) that places these desires in our heart and makes certain they’re aligned with our highest and best good or purpose for living.

Are you aware of the many individuals who were successful even though they had very little cash or material possessions? Look at the lives of Five-Star General and U.S. President Dwight Eisenhower, Gandhi and Mother Theresa to name a few. The point I’m making is that success is nothing more than a value judgment. It’s true value exists only in the mind of the person making the judgment, including our own.

And finally, while I’m at it, allow me to share that you don’t have to be perfect to be successful. All of us have issues that we have to deal with. The good news is that we have our spiritual, intellectual and physical natures to signal us when we stray from our purpose. We just have to remain in the moment to be made aware of these signals.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this post. Until next time here’s hoping you live today and everyday passionately and with purpose. Thank you and God bless.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

7 Steps to Finding and Living Out Our Purpose

What's your purpose? What reason do you have for getting up each morning and going through the day? I'm not looking for some altruistic answer such as: to make the world a better place or to get rich (which is not so altruistic). It can be as simple as: to be a better parent or get a better education or to spend more time with loved ones. The point I am making is that without an overreaching goal or purpose for living we will be at the effect of life and not at cause with it. We would be like a rudderless and powerless ship on the surface of the ocean being forced to go wherever the wind or current takes us.

7 steps to help us define and live out our purpose:
1.     Articulate it. Speak it as if your purpose has already been accomplished. For example say: “I am a great parent” or “I am educated”.  There is power in the spoken word.
2.     Write it down or place an image of it in a place where you will see it daily. This act in and of itself will signal your intellect through the use of your subconscious mind to direct the body’s actions towards your purpose.  This worked for me as a young lieutenant in the Marines when I had purposed myself to become a Naval Aviator. I placed a picture of myself, seated inside the type aircraft I wanted to fly, on my bathroom mirror. Two years later I was assigned to a squadron and flew in that type aircraft.
3.     Trust it. Here is where many of us become discouraged and afraid because we fear the unknown and cannot lay out a specific roadmap or timeframe. In these instances we must trust that our mentor will always lead us in the direction of our highest and best good.
4.     Visualize it. As many times as possible throughout the day use your imagination to see yourself as if you've already accomplished your purpose.
5.     Live it. Allow yourself to act it out in your life. No longer allow yourself to be tied to old ways and habits. Become one and at cause with life and your purpose.
6.     Review it. From time to time review whether or not the results you are receiving are in line with your purpose. Be aware that many times our intellectual nature allows certain negative core beliefs to interfere with the successful achievement of our purpose
7.     Refine it. As we find ourselves nearing our goal it may be necessary that we tweak it to fit our individual circumstances. Don’t be too concerned about this because our mentor/spiritual nature will signal us when necessary.
I hope that you find these 7 steps useful in determining and living out your purpose. Did you notice how our spiritual-intellectual-physical natures complement each other in attaining our purpose? 

Until next time here's hoping that you live today and every day passionately and with purpose. Thank you and God bless!